Unveiling the Truth: Meibomian Gland Dysfunction in 86% of Dry Eye Patients

Understanding Dry Eyes: Beyond the Basics

Dry eyes, a multifaceted condition, find their roots in various factors such as aging, medication side effects, and environmental conditions. Shades Optical recognizes the individuality of each case and tailors our approach to dry eye management accordingly. Our commitment to personalized care ensures that your dry eye journey is met with solutions as unique as you are.

The Importance of Preventing Dry Eyes

Dry eyes can cause permanent damage to your cornea, the clear outer layer of your eye that helps you see. If your cornea gets scratched or infected due to dry eyes, it can lead to scars, ulcers, or even blindness.

Dry eyes can affect your mental health and quality of life. People with dry eyes may experience more stress, anxiety, depression, and social isolation than people without dry eyes. Dry eyes can also interfere with your daily activities, such as reading, driving, working, or watching TV.

Recognizing the Symptoms: A Guided Journey to Relief

Identifying the symptoms of dry eyes is key to early intervention. Symptoms may include a burning or stinging sensation, redness, itching, blurred vision, light sensitivity, eye fatigue, difficulty wearing contact lenses, excessive tearing, and susceptibility to eye infections or ulcers.

Effective Treatment and Prevention:

Recent studies, including the findings from the International Workshop on Meibomian Gland Dysfunction, reveal a staggering statistic: 86% of patients suffering from dry eyes are also grappling with Meibomian Gland Dysfunction (MGD). This revelation underscores the critical role of these oil-producing glands in eye health.

One of the most common treatments for dry eye disease is artificial tears, which are lubricating eye drops that mimic the natural tears and keep the eyes moist and comfortable. Artificial tears can be found over-the-counter or prescribed by a doctor, and they come in different formulations, such as preservative-free, gel, or ointment.

However, artificial tears are not enough for dry eye disease. They are only a temporary solution that provides symptomatic relief, but they do not address the underlying cause of the problem. Artificial tears are like band-aids that cover the wound, but they do not heal it.

The root of the problem for dry eye disease is the gland health. The glands that are responsible for producing and secreting the tears are the lacrimal glands and the meibomian glands. The lacrimal glands produce the aqueous layer of the tear film, which is the watery part that nourishes and cleanses the eye surface. The meibomian glands produce the lipid layer of the tear film, which is the oily part that prevents the tears from evaporating and protects the eye from infection and inflammation.

When these glands are not functioning properly, the tear production and quality are compromised, resulting in dry eye disease. There are many factors that can affect the gland health, such as age, ethnicity, contact lens wear, and certain medical conditions and medications. Some of the common causes of gland dysfunction are:

- Sjögren's syndrome: This is a chronic autoimmune disease that affects the salivary glands and tear glands, causing dry mouth and dry eyes. The immune system mistakenly attacks its own healthy tissues, damaging the glands and reducing their secretion. The aqueous part of the tear layer is a problem that is mostly associated with Sjögren’s syndrome.

- Meibomian gland dysfunction (MGD): This is a common eye disorder that occurs when the meibomian glands are blocked, inflamed, or produce poor-quality oil. This leads to tear film instability and evaporation, exposing the eye surface to the environment.

- Blepharitis: This is an inflammation of the eyelids, usually caused by bacterial infection, seborrheic dermatitis, or allergic reaction. Blepharitis can affect the meibomian glands and the eyelash follicles, causing irritation, crusting, and scaling of the eyelids.

- Rosacea: This is a skin condition that causes redness, flushing, and pimples on the face, especially on the nose, cheeks, chin, and forehead. Rosacea can also affect the eyes, causing ocular rosacea, which is characterized by dilated blood vessels, inflammation, and dryness of the eyes and eyelids.

To treat dry eye disease effectively, we have to get to the root of the problem and improve the gland health. Artificial tears alone are not enough for this purpose. We need to use other treatments that can target the glands and restore their function and secretion.

Preventive Tips:

The primary prevention tip for MGD is the regular use of a specialized heat mask. This tailored approach ensures that the glands remain unclogged, facilitating optimal oil production. The frequency of maintenance may vary, with younger individuals, immersed in extensive screen time, requiring more diligent care.

The Oily Layer's Role in Eye Health:

The oily layer of the tear film, produced by meibomian glands, serves as the eye's natural defense mechanism. It acts as an antibacterial shield, preventing bacterial overgrowth on the lids. When glands are clogged, not only does the tear layer feel dry and irritated, but bacteria can accumulate, leading to infections.

Professional Cleaning and At-Home Maintenance:

Regular professional cleaning by optometrists, such as the Zest treatment offered at Shades Optical, is crucial for maintaining meibomian gland health. At-home maintenance involves using a heat mask and a spray cleaner tailored to individual needs. This proactive approach mimics dental care, emphasizing the importance of regular optometric check-ups.


This is a product that is part of the Zocular Eyelid System Treatment (ZEST), which is a manual eyelid cleaning system that contains gel with activated okra polysaccharide complex. The gel is applied to the eyelids and lashes with a sterile cotton swab to gently and effectively clean the biofilm overgrowth that can cause meibomian gland dysfunction (MGD) and dry eye disease. 

Biofilm is a layer of bacteria and other microorganisms that stick together and form a protective coating on a surface. 

Biofilm can accumulate on the eyelid margins and clog the meibomian glands, which are oil-producing glands that form the outer layer of the tear film and prevent evaporation. 

Biofilm can also cause inflammation, infection, and irritation of the eyelids and eyes. Zest is designed to bind and remove the biofilm from the eyelids and lashes, and also to soothe and hydrate the skin. 

The okra polysaccharide complex in Zest has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and moisturizing properties that can benefit the ocular surface.

Cutting-Edge Technology for Meibomian Gland Health:

Shades Optical embraces advanced technologies like FORMA by Inmode, utilizing radio frequency energy to treat MGD. This innovative tool not only opens clogged glands but also promotes skin rejuvenation, addressing fine lines and wrinkles. FORMA, a device that uses radio frequency (RF) energy, stimulates collagen and elastin production, tightening the skin and improving meibomian gland function.

This is a device uses RF energy to heat up the tissue and stimulate the natural healing process. RF opens the clogged meibomian glands and improve the oil flow. It can also soften the oils within the glands and improve the tear film quality. RF can eliminate or lessen the dry eye symptoms, such as burning, itching, irritation, redness, and blurred vision.

Lumecca, another advanced tool we use at Shades Optical, employs intense pulsed light (IPL) to reduce vascular lesions on the lid margin, enhancing tear layer balance. It significantly contributes to maintaining a healthy tear film by addressing dilated blood vessels, which can compromise tear layer stability.

This device also uses IPL for skin rejuvenation. It is optimized to treat facial pigmentation, superficial vessels, skin texture, and photodamage. IPL can also reduce vascular lesions, such as dilated blood vessels on the lid margin, which can leak inflammatory markers into the tear layer and break it down. IPL can also help by opening the clogged meibomian glands and improving the oil flow. It can also soften the oils within the glands and improve the tear film quality. IPL can eliminate or lessen the dry eye symptoms, such as burning, itching, irritation, redness, and blurred vision.

As you can see, we do not just give you eye drops and say see you later. We are going to get to the root of the problem and work out a personalized treatment plan for you. We are going to use the latest tools and products that can improve your gland health and your tear film quality. We are going to help you overcome dry eye disease and enjoy your life.

Understanding the Distinction: Optometrists vs. Ophthalmologists

In the ever-evolving landscape of eyecare, the instinct to consult an ophthalmologist prevails. However, Shades Optical, standing as a beacon of innovation, seeks to redefine your eyecare experience. Embark on a journey beyond conventional solutions as we explore Shades Optical's unparalleled approach to conquering dry eyes.


Optometrists are your primary eye care providers, specializing in comprehensive eye exams, vision tests, and prescribing corrective lenses. Shades Optical, as optometrists, embraces a preventive approach, utilizing the latest technology not just for detection but primarily for prevention. Our dedicated team invests time—more than just a fleeting 5 minutes that a typical medical specialist may spend—to understand your unique needs and provide a comprehensive eye health experience.


Ophthalmologists are medical doctors specializing in eye health, often focusing on surgical interventions. Their expertise is invaluable when specific eye conditions necessitate surgical correction. However, Shades Optical emphasizes the significance of early prevention through regular optometric visits, as waiting until an issue arises may be too late for effective preventive measures.

The common belief often guides individuals toward surgical solutions offered by ophthalmologists. However, the essence of preventive eyecare, championed by optometrists, such as those at Shades Optical, remains overlooked. While an ophthalmologist's focus lies in surgical interventions, optometrists play a pivotal role in preventing issues before they arise.

Shades Optical's Pioneering Approach to Dry Eyes

Dry eyes, a prevalent condition, often prompts reactive solutions. Shades Optical, however, stands at the forefront with a proactive mindset. Our commitment goes beyond mere symptom alleviation – we leverage cutting-edge technology to prevent dry eyes and promote holistic eye health.

Shades Optical stands out in Michigan's eyecare landscape by adopting a pioneering mindset. Most eyecare providers rely on cutting-edge technology only when a problem surfaces. At Shades, we challenge this status quo. Our commitment is to leverage the latest advancements in eyecare technology for whole-body wellness and to prevent eye diseases from taking root.

Prevention Over Cure: A Paradigm Shift

Traditionally, individuals seek eyecare professionals after issues manifest. Shades Optical advocates for a paradigm shift. Our unique approach encourages seeing an optometrist first, utilizing the latest technology for prevention, not just a cure. Waiting for a problem to arise may be too late, and our proactive strategies aim to ensure optimal eye health for a lifetime.

Beyond the Quick Consultation: Time, Effort, and Comprehensive Care

The hallmark of Shades Optical's distinction lies in the comprehensive care we offer. Unlike the brisk consultations associated with medical specialists, our optometrists invest time and effort, dedicating an hour to your specific eyecare needs. It's an immersive experience that goes beyond the ordinary.

Embrace Proactive Eyecare with Shades Optical

We invite you to embrace a new perspective on eyecare – one that prioritizes prevention over cure, time over haste, and comprehensive care over quick consultations. If you're seeking an eyecare provider that utilizes the latest technology for proactive wellness, Shades Optical is your destination.

Take the First Step: Schedule Your Comprehensive Eyecare Appointment

Ready to experience eyecare that goes beyond the ordinary? Schedule an appointment with Shades Optical, where prevention is paramount. Your vision deserves more than just correction; it deserves prevention, attention, and care. Shades Optical – redefining eyecare with a proactive approach.


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